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Download pes 2013 untuk pcsx2.PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2013 [USA]


Now you can draft hotshot rookies, trade for players who compliment your team, compensate for injured players, and more.

Then put that precision to work on the ice by anchoring lines with key players and rotating those lines to create the match-ups you want. Bringing it all together is a new ESPN broadcast system where scores, highlights, and more are presented in the network's famous style. Imagine jump shots so real players actually adjust their movement in mid-air based on distance from the hoop and defensive pressure; a passing touch that gives you the control to skirt a defender or start a fast break; and dribble moves that let you jab left, rock right, crossover, spin and much more.

It's all happening in NBA 2K3. No other game delivers the physical element of basketball like this. Accurate impact from collisions, especially hard fouls and authoritative dunks; shot blocking with emphasis on precise hand-to-ball contact; and the ability to lunge for the loose ball, even if it means ending up on some celebrity's lap. With commentators that analyze strategy, cutscenes portraying lifelike player interaction, uniforms that move like real fabric, and a brand new ESPN broadcast system that wraps it all together, NBA 2K3 provides the complete NBA experience.

Become the "Champion Road Racer" by conquering numerous racing events, all carrying rewards such as: cars, tracks and high performance upgrades. The game challenges the driver to dodge traffic, police and natural elements in high speed and high style Evade any cops encountered, as getting busted just might end your career. The Ace Combat series soars once again.

Experience aerial combat like never before. A brand new gripping storyline and 18 fabulous missions will keep pilots-to-be on the edge of their seats. Infiltrate terrorists' positions, acquire critical intelligence by any means necessary, execute with extreme prejudice, and exit without a trace! The world balance is in your hands, as cyber terrorism and international tensions are about to explode into WWIII. Lead a group of high school students with a dangerous extracurricular activity: exploring the mysterious tower Tartarus and fighting the sinister Shadows during the Dark Hour, a frozen span of time imperceptible to all but a select few.

However, the end of their quest is no longer the end of the story--witness for the first time the aftermath of the final battle and the students' struggle to find meaning in their new lives. Persona 3 FES contains an enhanced version of the original game, loaded with new Personas and cutscenes, a weapon synthesis system, additional quests and events, a hard difficulty mode, and the ability to change your characters' clothes. Gran Turismo 4 features a truly authentic racing experience spanning years of automotive history.

Packed with more cars, courses, race modes and online gameplay via the Network Adaptor, Gran Turismo 4 delivers enhanced, if not perfected game physics and graphics. New physics engine adding a higher level of realism in cars, which allows for cars to be handled easier. More than 5, polygons per vehicle capture exceptional detail, right down to the disc brakes behind the wheel.

Includes courses that can be played in reverse mode. More than vehicles encompassing manufacturers from around the world with a range from vintage to modern models seen today. All vehicles are fully customizable from racing tires to gear ratio.

Race opponents posses advanced artificial intelligence, which allows for behavior that captures human-like emotion. GT Career 'Simulation' Mode?

Via the GT Universe, players start from the bottom and race to earn money, unlock cars and courses, buy and sell cars and upgrade parts while competing in more than various championship races.

GT Online Mode? Features head-to-head racing for up to six players per race. Chat functionality and in-depth menu screens for the ability to build communities to interact about automotive topics. GT Arcade Mode - Players compete against each other or the artificial intelligence with select cars on select courses. GT Photo Mode? Players can travel around the globe with their car s and conduct photo sessions in various popular locations that include Piazza San Marco, Shibuya, Tsumago, Sagano and more.

Once the photo is taken in the game, the player can save it to their memory card and have the option to share with friends or print out a color copy via a USB Printer. Players assume the role of James, who receives a cryptic letter from his wife who has been dead for 3 years beckoning him to meet her in Silent Hill, a place that holds great meaning for the couple. The mystery of the letter compels him to return to the surreal horror and all-too-real danger in Silent Hill.

New features include a revamped low post game exploit the defender with lightning quick drop step moves, back him down for a rim-rattling dunk, or shoot a sweet fadeaway jumper , new playbooks, and new street courts including Oakland's legendary Mosswood Park, Philly's Hank Gathers Rec Center, and Houston's Ronde Rec Center.

With detailed visuals, picture-in-picture introductions, a variety of eye-catching callouts and new studio and color commentary -- why settle for anything less! The next step in realism, accurate player models bring extremely natural looking players to life while all-new game lighting raises the standard for detail with realistic self-shadowing, creating a more dynamic look and feel for every NBA player!

Total Game Control - Incredible dribble moves, stellar passing control, split second defensive reactions -- all at your fingertips as you control every aspect of your NBA game on both sides of the court!

Intuitive Showtime Pass Mechanics - Your game, your show! Conquer every defense with a variety of jaw dropping no-look and behind-the-back passes, setting up monstrous finishes around the rim! Smart Camera Intelligence - Innovative, new picture angles based on ESPN's broadcast cameras will tightly follow all of the NBA action, offering the perfect viewing perspective of every play.

With an "SSX"-like trick system and the rejuvenation of the blocked shot, it seems that EA's reinvention of "NBA Jam"-style hoops should do for basketball what the Tony Hawk series did for skateboarding. TigerProofing is a revolutionary course-altering system that allows players to modify course dynamics and create the most intensely competitive course imaginable.

Alter tee-box length, width and patterns on fairways and greens, the depth of a greenside bunker, and even the color of the leaves on the trees, course moisture and the season which you play. Eight new licensed courses and two new fantasy courses have been added for a total of 14 courses. New licensed courses for console only include Coeur d? Alene and Colonial Country Club. Monument Course. Total Precision Swing: New putting and chipping systems allow for more control on the green or when you leave an approach shot short.

Obtain sponsorships from real golf equipment manufacturers throughout your career and drive to surpass Tiger as number one on the overall money list.

With enhancements to the passing game, defensive improvements, and expanded online options, Madden NFL 06 takes you onto the field and into the locker room like never before. The new "QB Vision Control" lets you scan the field, look off defenders, and make perfect throws withing your quarterbacks unique field of vision.

Lead the receiver to an open area, throw it behind him so he can come back to it or throw a jump ball and let him go get it. Head back behind enemy lines with Lt.

Jimmy Patterson in Medal of Honor Frontline. In this installment of the smash-hit Medal of Honor series, Lt. Face off in lush, interactive environments. Hurl your opponent into destructible objects and walls to deal massive damage.

Dig in to the most customizable Tekken game ever. Earn fight money and use your winnings to outfit your characters with shades, hats, alternate costumes, secret items and more. Battle your way through an intense, action-adventure side-story. Rebuilt from the ground up, Tekken 5's graphics engine delivers the most exquisite visuals yet to PS2 3D fighting fans.

Stunning CG ending movies reward victorious combatants. Do you have what it takes to survive in college football's most hostile environments? For the first time in video game football history, the game-day atmosphere directly affects players' on-field performances. See if players have enough composure to withstand the pressure, and take advantage of key personnel mismatches with the new Match-Up Stick. Add in fan celebrations like the Gator Chomp or Texas Hook 'Em Horns and you'll see that NCAA Football delivers the real emotion, collegiate atmosphere, and traditional gameplay of college football.

Electrifying Stadium Atmosphere: Watch the visiting team fight crowd noise when calling audibles and hot routes. Pump up the crowd and build up your home field advantage to take opponents out of the game. Build your team's stadium atmosphere to rank among the elite stadiums in the country.

See, hear and feel the immediate impact from hostile environments like LSU? Keep players happy with playing time or risk them transferring to one of your rivals in the off-season. New Gameplay Enhancements: Choose from new custom playbooks, offensive schemes, and defensive formations that include the and Stack. Set in a futuristic world filled with spaceships, robots and high-tech gadgets, Ratchet and Clank moves from planet to planet across a vast solar system. Ratchet lives on an abandoned backwater planet and dreams of someday striking out on a magnificent space adventure.

Closer to the center of the galaxy, Chairman Drek rules a polluted planet, Orxon, inhabited by an ugly race called the Blarg. He too has dreams, but his concern is conquest and domination. Tired of his polluted world, Chairman Drek comes up with the ultimate solution - to build a new planet using the best parts from many of the other worlds in the galaxy.

If he can't convince the inhabitants to part with a few thousand hectares of their worlds, the army of robots and Blarg warriors can eliminate any resistance. Enhanced graphics and physics: Gameplay so lush and detailed, you feel as if you're actually on the course. Total Precision Swing: Take full control over your swing, from straight drives to hooks and draws.

Incorporating a creative new approach to team play, Sly and his crew work together to plan and pull off a series of big heists. With an enhanced move set, including pick-pocketing, vent crawls, rooftop chases, and stealth attacks, and a team of unique playable characters, Sly 2: Band of Thieves delivers a true thieving experience as players explore the open environments and must think on their feet to survive. Sly 2: Band of Thieves breaks the rules of convention and truly immerses players into a world with no laws or boundaries.

Sly and his crew are back! Say goodbye to the Brat Pack as you know it because there's a new Raccoon Pack in town that is raring to go. Word is out that Interpol has excavated the robotic remains of Clockwerk -- Sly's nemesis and sworn enemy of the Cooper clan.

Sly and his gang discover the parts of Clockwerk are missing, and embark on a quest to ensure Clockwerk is never reassembled. The journey takes Sly and his crew to the far reaches of the globe, and along the way experience a plot full of deceit, surprising twists, and an exciting romantic triangle that will leave you wanting more. The World of Soccer: Play with all the best clubs, players and national teams.

Powerhouse Detail: The Club Championship highlights the top 18 club teams with intense detail, including team-specific stadiums and chants.

Total Ball Control: Use your feet and head to control the ball like never before. New Set Pieces: Use free kicks and corner kicks to set up a shot or even score directly. Game-changing AI: Computer opponents will adopt tactics based on the real game situations. User Score: 6. From MPH super-speedways to hairpin turns on 11 fantasy tracks, tuning your car and finding the line is no longer enough.

Now you? Out-smart and out-drive them as you battle three-wide from green to checkers. Online or on your own, racing just became a contact sport. Fight Night Round 2 continues to deliver innovative gameplay via the analog Total Punch Control mechanic, allowing gamers to throw multiple punches, block, bob and weave with complete precision and control.

Packing in more fearsome punches, players can now dominate the ring with the all-new EA SPORTS Haymaker allowing gamers to knock down their opponents with one devastating blow by adding extra power to each punch.

Every hit counts in the game with powerful punches inflicting dynamic injuries on opponents, and thus reducing a fighter's ability to defend himself. Players also manage the boxers inside and out of the ring. The game includes a new and unique create-a-player option, deep training and career mode, as well as online play for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox consoles. In online mode via broadband gameplay, up to 16 players eight per team can create their own SEAL character profiles and join the fight to take down hostile forces in 22 different online missions 12 new SOCOM II online missions and ten updated, enhanced SOCOM online missions with five different mission types including new Escort and Breach missions.

Using a SOCOM-compatible headset, enhanced online communication enables team members to more easily communicate either in-game or in the game lobby while viewing the new? Players can also use a friends? A darkness is gathering in the sprawling port town of Baldur's Gate. Members of the deteriorating city have been found dead, people fear leaving home, and rumors abound of a thieves' guild civil war brewing beneath the streets of the city. The player, down on his luck and carrying little other than a sword strapped to his back, comes fresh to the town and becomes all that stands in the way of the greatest threat ever to strike Baldur's Gate and the Sword Coast.

Gamers can act as Impact Players and single handedly break games wide open with highlight reel moves and special animations or take control of a program and make a run for the championship through a revamped Dynasty Mode.

In addition, NCAA Football 06 has the exclusive license for college football videogames, and will be the only game to feature actual teams, stadiums and schools. The year is Information Warfare has evolved into the most dangerous threat to global stability. You are assigned to execute a hazardous series of operations to investigate and eliminate a new source of information attacks, originating in North Korea. To succeed, you will employ a host of unconventional counterintelligence activities to gather intel, disrupt enemy operations and neutralize adversary targets.

As Information Warfare evolves, so must the Splinter Cell. You must penetrate deeper into hostile territory and operate undetected, closer to the enemy than ever before. At your disposal is a lethal array of tactics ranging from Combat Knife techniques, experimental prototype weapons skills, and more radical hand-to-hand techniques such as the Inverted Chokehold. Experience the thrill of acting as a lone operative fighting tomorrow's threats in the field, and of cooperating online with a partner to accomplish crucial missions.

Die in action, and the free world dies with you. Never-before-seen graphics technology offers the best visuals ever to appear on any platform. Advanced physics engine allows rag doll physics, particle effects and perfect interaction with the environment. The most complete arsenal of weapons and gadgets, from the combat knife to experimental prototype combat systems.

Totally open level design with multipaths and optional secondary objectives. In addition to its characteristic fast paced action, the game increases the intensity with a new "style" system. It adds more depth to gameplay and allows players to choose between short-range, long-range, defensive or evasive play styles.

Each system has its own range of features and players can power up their favorite style for increased special attack abilities. Daxter has some special surprises as well. There are escort missions where Jak goes into a level area with another character and the player must work with them to complete a task. Jak II enemies have more A. WSB 2K3 spent the offseason improving what was already THE baseball franchise by adding an all-new ESPN broadcast presentation, more classic uniforms for every team, player-specific batting stances and pitching styles for Hall of Fame players, and historic ballparks.

WSB 2K3's unrivaled gameplay gives users what they asked for, including: a jump button for home run-robbing snatches and line drive-snaring grabs, user-controlled leadoffs, drag bunts, improved double play animations, power swings, and more. Top-secret weapons technology is being mysteriously transported under cover of an oil tanker to an unknown destination.

It's up to Snake to infiltrate the transport and keep this deadly weapon of mass destruction from falling into the wrong hands!

As a troublesome schoolboy, you'll laugh and cringe as you stand up to bullies, get picked on by teachers, play pranks on malicious kids, win or lose the girl, and ultimately learn to navigate the obstacles of the fictitious reform school, Bullworth Academy. Momentum changes everything - now college football's most celebrated videogame turns the tide with NCAA Football Whether battling your biggest rival or playing for the first-ever BCS National Championship Game in Dynasty Mode, success on the field depends on your ability to maintain momentum.

Featuring unprecedented graphics that capture every moment in complete detail—from the authenticity of the stadiums, mascots, and marching bands, to the true-to-life look and feel of the players on the field. Develop your racing skills and intimidate your rivals on the track with all-new controls.

Off the track, force the action with post-race confrontations, and settle disputes by racing America? Fans react to the drama, idolizing both NASCAR heroes and villains, while owners and sponsors recognize talent and reward success.

It's up to you to show 'em what you've got. Key features for MVP Baseball include the following: Own the Plate: Change your position in the box to adjust to where the pitcher is working you, or keep the defense honest with a bunt for a hit.

Precision Pitching: Paint the corners or send a message with the new Precision Pitch Meter, or catch runners napping with unparalleled pickoff control.

Enhanced Big Play Control: Make an underhand toss to the pitcher as he sprints to cover first, slide around a tag at home, and make user-controlled stretches and dives. While leading off base, exercise your reflexes by beating pickoff throws with the all-new manual leadoff control. Control every aspect of your organization in all-new Owner Mode. Create your line-up based on player progression during Spring Training, or help build player attributes by competing in a variety of mini-games.

Will you spend your earnings to upgrade your ballpark or to sign that key free agent who could bring you a championship? Expanded Minor Leagues: Advanced Single A squads and additional stadiums have been added to round out the list of teams available in the minor league system. Rely on your creative ability to rebuild destroyed worlds, invent equipment needed for your journey and repair weaponry damaged in battle.

Your efforts will determine the outcome of things to come. Once again assume the role Sam Fisher as you defend and assist the U. Immerse yourself into a deep, tangible, tension-packed techno-thriller without compare. Master your new arsenal of moves and gadgets to save the innocent from a global threat. Conceal yourself in real-time moving shadows for the first time. Click "Extract" and go to Device or Phone Memory.

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